17 February 2022
Today we had the privilege of living into our Ignisive vision …by going into the heart of a community to begin supporting the dire systemic challenges and rally various stakeholders to join our authentic collaborative journey.
We are exceptionally grateful to all the various Community leaders / stakeholders, especially our teams (present and future) between Camps Bay and Kalksteenfontein, for taking the time out of their busy schedules to join forces for the greater good.
Firstly to Mrs Haman and all the teachers and children from Kalksteenfontein Primary School…thanks for allowing us to share this experience with you.
Huge thanks to Jean-marc Johannes for sharing your inspiring life story about making your dreams a reality…and today being South Africa’s most awarded skateboarder, first international Gold, silver & bronze medalist and 7 times Guinness World record holder.
We are so proud of you and grateful to have your support.

Thank you Captain Arthur Minnaar (Author of ‘When People Serve) South African Police Service for sharing your incredible journey and encouraging our Children’s safety.
To Camps Bay Community Policing Forum and Bishop Lavis CPF and Bishop Lavis SAPS for supporting our efforts in finding proactive ways to improve community safety.
Llewelyn (and Judah) Scholtz (Founder/Director of G-Citi Campus), with Anzio Genesis Music, for introducing the significant volume of work you’re doing in communities (especially Elsies River), by providing empowerment of digital skills and the adoption of technology in both personal and professional lives.
We also appreciate and look forward to collaborating with Kim Webster (WebsterBiz Consulting), Rene Hendricks (Rhens Training Institute) and their teams on the Community Safety Champions initiative and extending the reach for greater ways to impact positive change.
We are also incredibly grateful to all our business and community sponsors, as well as various government entities for making today such a positive experience, especially for the school children.
Massive thanks to OfficeBox (Wayne Jacobs) for sponsoring over R25000 worth of stationary for the school and helping us prepare the tools (Your School Box), for the Vision box workshop and diaries (initiated and autographed by Jean-Marc Johannes) for the Grade7’s.
Special thanks to Kevin and Linda, from Germany, who kindly contributed towards these journals and the workshop with the children.
Thank you kindly Mr Kariem Candy Way Trading for the smarties for all the children to symbolize how we all may be different on the outside but inside we are the same.
Thanks to WOOLWORTHS for personally delivering and serving lunch packs for the Kids and to Mountain Falls for the water donation.
Thanks also to Pick n Pay Camps Bay for the muffins and refreshments for the guests/teachers and to Pedro and Fiona Bosch for assisting with the delicious platters and being such key role players in the work we collectively do for our homeless communities on the Atlantic Seaboard.
Tony Lottering from Western Cape Government Department Of Cultural Affairs And Sport you and your teams always blows us away with your talent and passion to positively impact the lives of our youth. Thanks Xolile for sharing your juggling skills and to the Lavender Hill Dance Crew…for teaching children what is possible through movement and dance.
Thanks Janice King (Western Cape Street Children's Forum) and Aldrid The Homestead Projects for Street Children for your wisdom in dealing with Street Children and walking this collaborative journey with us.
Last but not least…to our dream team…A+ (Positive Action) team for putting your ’day jobs’ aside for a moment and helping support a school/community that deserves every ounce of investment in building a brighter future.
Sergeant Glynnis Jean Bester and Sergeant Okkers (SAPS), Fiona Bosch CoCT Reintegration Unit, Ryan Rudy and Alan Marsh CPF and Ignisive champions, Chris Willemse and Alma Horn from the Camps Bay & Clifton Ratepayers Association, Ashwin Jack, Camps Bay CSI.
Stoan Bartel and Andrea Vanek from Moonmoth Interactive thank you for your innovative wisdom and helping us create a brand and narrative that expresses our vision to #igniteinclusivechange
More links on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ignisive
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